Today we celebrate the 8th Anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals. A commitment that drives us forward to the various challenges ahead. Because existing priorities and needs make up humanity’s agenda.
From Certest, we believe in collaboration to achieve a prosperous and sustainable future for all people. And for that reason, today we join the action of raising the flag for the SDGs, an initiative of the UN Global Compact that seeks to unite not only companies that commit to business sustainability and sustainable development, but also individuals and institutions under the symbolism of a single flag.
Furthermore, within the framework of SDG Week, our colleague Guadalupe Rey attended the initiative “Brunch&Circus. The Art of the Impossible” a few days ago, promoted by Ecodes and Grupo Init. An extraordinary experience to learn actions that can be implemented within companies to help make Zaragoza a CO2 neutral city.
The 2030 agenda reaches its midpoint today. We have made much progress, but it’s important to remember that there’s still a long way to go. From Certest, we are aware of this, and that’s why we will continue moving forward in this global challenge.