FOB Turbilatex
Application Notes
_AN. FOB Turbilatex. A15, Biosystems _AN. FOB Turbilatex. ADVIA 1800 _AN. FOB Turbilatex. ADVIA 2400 _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Alinity c-series, Abbott _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Architect c4000/c8000/c16000, Abbott _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Atellica _AN. FOB Turbilatex. AU680, Beckman Coulter _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Bioassays 240PLUS, Snibe _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Biobase-BK-Mini-200 _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Biolis i24/i50, Tokyo Boeki _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Biolis i30, Tokyo Boeki _AN. FOB Turbilatex. BS-230, Midray _AN. FOB Turbilatex. BS-380, Midray _AN. FOB Turbilatex. BS-200/200E, Midray _AN. FOB Turbilatex. CA800, Furuno _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Chemwell-T, Awareness _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Cobas c111, Roche _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Cobas-c311, Roche _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Cobas c501, Roche _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Cobas c501/c502/c503, Roche _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Cobas-c702, Roche _AN. FOB Turbilatex. InCCA/InCCA bit , Diconex _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Indiko, Thermo Fisher Scientific _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Optilite, Binding Site _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Respons 910, Diasys Diagnostic Systems GmbH _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Selectra PRO S; Selectra PRO M, Elitech _AN. FOB Turbilatex. TC220, Tecan _AN. FOB Turbilatex. Vitros 5600, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics _AN. FOB Turbilatex. XL-180/XL-200, Erba

Bowel cancer is the second leading cause of death in the western world after cardiovascular disease. Among the different types of tumors, bowel cancer is the most frequently occurring in the adult population, considering both genders.
Certest FOB Turbilatex is a non-invasive immunological test which can be used in a simple and effective manner in bowel cancer screening.
Colonic lesions considered preneoplastic (polyps) and invasive new vessel growth may bleed, even in the early stages of their development. Consequently, fecal occult blood tests (FOBT) are able to offer clinical evidence for the early diagnosis of bowel cancer in its different stages or states.
The FOB Turbilatex reagents detect and quantify human hemoglobin, a protein present in blood which may be found in low concentration in patients’ feces.
This protein is sensitive to degradation in the gastrointestinal system, and therefore its use is limited to the detection of bleeding from the colon.